Sunday, March 7, 2010

EU Chorale Competition to be held at FEU

May is National Heritage Month. It is also the European Union month and the theme of the European Union month in May is Heritage Conservation. This year, the European Union, under the Presidencia EspaƱola, will once again celebrate the EU Month in Far Eastern University having the 2nd European Union Choral Competition as its main highlight. The success of the 2009 competition paved the way for the European Union and Far Eastern University to consider having the event annually.  Aiming to have a bigger and better competition, the organizers decided to include an additional category for high school choirs. Choirs from various schools both within and outside the Metropolis are expected to showcase their choral expertise in singing songs by a composer whose roots is from a European Union country and by our very own composers.

To this end, the European Commission and the president’s committee on culture at Far Eastern University, headed by Mr. Martin Lopez, will hold a series of events and activities in the FEU campus. As stated, the Choral Competition is the main highlight of the festivities to be held at the historic FEU auditorium. The choral competition is open to all high school choirs, college and university choirs, whose members are bona fide and currently enrolled students of the Philippines.
(Inset photo taken last May 2009 during the 1st European Union Month Celebrations in FEU )

I. Objective
To showcase the local talents of high school and university students in choral music

II. Mechanics
Who are qualified to join?
College Choir Category:
University choirs from within and outside Metro Manila
High School Choir Category:
High school choirs from within and outside Metro Manila
How many members are allowed?
Minimum of 16 members. Maximum of 30
What are the other requirements?
Each member must be a bonafide student of the school and currently enrolled.
An endorsement letter from the head of the school or university is a MUST.
The group can be the official choir of the school or university or a group from a particular college or institute of a university.
Age limit for High School participants is 16 years and;
25 years for participants in the College category.
A member can only join one participating group.
The conductor can be professional.
A conductor representing 2 choirs in different categories is allowed.

Audition process
1. All interested groups must submit an audio cd/ video recording (with good quality audio) / MD audio of their performance.
1.1 The recording must not be older than 2 years from the time it was performed
1.2 The recorded songs need not be the same songs for the eliminations should the group qualify
2. An application form must be accomplished and submitted to the President’s Committee on Culture of the Far Eastern University by April 30, 2010.
3. Profile picture of the group and the conductor (softcopy)
4. Profile/Write-up of the group and the conductor
5. Qualified choirs will report on the day of eliminations and must submit 5 clear copies of the pieces that they will perform.
5.1 Elimination dates are as follows:
High School Category
May 26, 2010, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
College Category
May 27, 2010, 9:00AM to 5:00PM

NOTE: The order of performance will be on a first come, first served basis
5.2 The songs performed in the eliminations may still be performed in the FINALS should the group qualify.

Required music
All qualified choral groups will perform two pieces: ONE written by a composer whose nationality is rooted from any European Union country: and ONE by a Filipino composer (can be a popular song, folk, contemporary, in any language or dialect).
All pieces must be sung a cappella. Songs that will be performed with percussion instruments are allowed provided that the said instruments are indicated in the score.

Order of Performance and Time Limit
1. For the FINALS, the order of performances will be determined by drawing lots on the competition day itself.
2. Each choir is given TEN (10) minutes to perform the two required pieces.
2.1 Timer starts when the first note of the song is sung.
2.2 Penalties
Any choral group exceeding the maximum time limit allotted for their performance will be penalized as follows:
More than thirty (30) seconds over time allotted – 1 point subtracted from cumulative score
One (1) to two (2) minutes over time allotted – 2 points subtracted from total cumulative score
More than two (2) minutes over time allotted – 3 points subtracted from total cumulative score
3. Set of songs (please refer to 5.2 of the audition process)
4. Board of Judges
The Board of Judges will be comprised of renowned choir conductors and artistic directors
5. Criteria for Judging
Musicality (Harmony and Interpretation) – 50%
Over-all performance (Stage presence and Preparedness) – 20%
Difficulty of the piece – 20%
Audience Impact – 10%
6. Prizes
All participating choirs will receive a certificate of participation
College Choir Category:
3rd Place – P10, 000 + Trophy
2nd Place – P20, 000 + Trophy
1st Place – P30, 000 + Trophy
High School Choir Category:
3rd Place – P5, 000 + Trophy
2nd Place – P10, 000 + Trophy
1st Place – P15, 000 + Trophy

III. Others
1. The competition will be channeled through the Philippine Choral Directors Association
2. The Far Eastern University Auditorium will be the venue of the said competition
3. Reception will be served after the competition

Office of the President’s Committee on Culture
3rd Floor, Administration Building
Sampaloc, Manila
Telefax: 632 736 4897


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